The Go4Leadership podcast is for leaders who want to make learning more effective and efficient in order to maximize their personal growth for long-term success. Your host Daniel Delank and Gerd Halfwassen, together with selected guests, will help you enhance your leadership competency during their show and explain how they are bringing their people together. You will receive concrete tools, methods, tips & tricks in a snackable content format to develop your leadership skills at scale for your company.
EP27 - Executive Ownershift, Creating Highly Effective Leadership Teams. Interview with Dan Norenberg
Daniel Delank & Gerd Halfwassen
Episode 28
As an executive advisor, coach, and consultant, Dan Norenberg designs and delivers growth experiences for executive teams that improve leadership performance and organizational results through a transformative process called Executive Ownershift®.From his experience, most executive teams are a collection of highly talented and experienced leaders, yet very few of these teams perform at their best.When leadership teams don’t play at their best, it puts their entire company at risk.His work starts with the executive leadership team because they are the moral and performance barometer for the whole company. When leaders truly want to change and improve their business, they must see themselves as the starting point for change and growth.Most organizations and consultants see leadership as an individual endeavor. This is not the most effective approach because your company’s success depends on your leaders' effective teamwork and collaboration, not their individual talents.