The Go4Leadership podcast is for leaders who want to make learning more effective and efficient in order to maximize their personal growth for long-term success. Your host Daniel Delank and Gerd Halfwassen, together with selected guests, will help you enhance your leadership competency during their show and explain how they are bringing their people together. You will receive concrete tools, methods, tips & tricks in a snackable content format to develop your leadership skills at scale for your company.
EP29 - Develop Today’s Team for Tomorrow’s World of Work. Interview with Eric Shepherd
Daniel Delank & Gerd Halfwassen
Episode 30
Eric Shepherd is an accomplished leader of international businesses and associations focused on talent, assessments, and success. Eric recently stepped away from a CEO role where he worked to build a SaaS company into a multi-million-dollar international assessment software business. Eric has also led industry and standards initiatives to promote best practices for assessments, learning, and interoperability. He currently serves as Chair of the IEEE P1484.20.2 working group developing Recommended Practice for Defining Competencies. Eric has previously served on Boards and working groups for:HR Open Standards that defines interoperability standards for HR technology.Association of Test Publishers and the European Association of Test Publishers that represents providers of tests and assessment tools.The IEEE P1484.20.1 Standard for Learning Technology—Data Model for Reusable Competency Definitions working group.IMS which defines interoperability standards for educational technology. Eric was instrumental in developing the IMS QTI interoperability standard and assisted with the US Department of Defense Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) initiative to define the Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) and the Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee (AICC) to define launch and track standards for Learning Management Systems.